A Tale of Two Timekeeping Sticks
Once upon a time, there were two sticks. One always stood straight and the other one bowed. And their shadows told some interesting information about ... TIME! So, we decided to compare their shadows on the day of the Equinox. The last time (check the previous post ), we tracked the shadows using a simple Sundial where a stick (pencil) is fixed in the vertical upright position. Though the shadows were moving in the clockwise direction (fortunately ), the hourly gaps were not equidistant. So, tracking time seemed quite difficult! For this second observation, we prepared a horizontal sundial to compare the findings with our earlier sundial. (The making of this horizontal sundial is based on https://www.sundials.co.uk/projects ) Though it is not as simple as fixing a vertical stick, it is not very difficult either. To keep the project simple, we used thermocol sheet for the base and the triangle, and a stick as gnomon. The stick (gnomon) should be parallel to the Earth’s...